Last year we (attempted) followed this little plan with our kiddos. I think I may have learned the most from it all. I love the Jesus Storybook Bible. In general, we try to read through these 5 stories each week and we usually teach the kids a new hymn...this year we are teaching them I Know that my Redeemer Lives. Then, on top of the devos, we focus on a specific verse & a couple words/ideas we want to intentionally teach the kids. The verses go for two weeks and it all repeats during Easter week. Keep in mind, we have a 4, 3, and 1 year old so we keep things pretty short, sweet, and simple. Sometimes, when I feel my creative juices flowing, I will add in a craft or game of some sort. This week I was beginning to talk about Lent with the kids and had small hope they'd remember some from last year. Sadly, consumerism has won out it our house apparently and when asked what we remember and celebrate on Easter I heard one "Easter eggs!" and one "JESUS!" and it wasn't Jesus like He was the reason it was Jesus like He is the general answer to things in our house. On a better note, it is incredibly sweet and fun to watch our kids listen and learn and worship Jesus as we teach them the truths that we pray they will believe and find their redemption through one day.
Weekly Night Devos-Jesus Storybook Bible
1. Washed with Tears-Mark 14, Luke 7, John 12
2. The Servant King, Last Supper-Mark 14, John 13-14
3. A Dark Night in the Garden-Luke 22, Mark 14, John 18
4. The Sun Stops Shining, Crucifixion-Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19
5. God’s Wonderful Surprise, Resurrection-Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20
Week of Sunday, February 19
Memory Verse: “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5
Words to Know: Light, Darkness
Ideas: Jesus is the light, hiding
Week of Sunday, February 26
Memory Verse: “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5
Words to Know: Sin, Holy
Ideas: Holy/sin (Clean vs. Dirty)
Week of Sunday, March 4
Memory Verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
Words to Know: Remembrance, Repentance
Ideas: Last Supper
Week of Sunday, March 11
Memory Verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
Words to Know: Crucifixion, Sacrifice
Ideas: Death, Suffering, Christ’s Sacrifice/Punishment
Week of Sunday, March 18
Memory Verse: “I am the Resurrection and the Life, he who believes in me will live & not die.” John 11:25
Words to Know: Forgiveness, Resurrection
Idea: Crucifixion/Resurrection, Death/Life
Week of Sunday, March 25-Palm Sunday
Memory Verse: “I am the Resurrection and the Life, he who believes in me will live and not die.” John 11:25
Words to Know: Salvation
Ideas: Salvation/Redemption, Savior/Rescuer
Thursday, March 29-Maundy Thursday
Words to Know: Remembrance, Repentance
Ideas: Last Supper
Friday, March 30--Good Friday
Words to Know: Crucifixion, Sacrifice
Ideas: Death, Suffering, Christ’s Sacrifice/Punishment
Sunday, April 1-Easter
Memory Verse: “I am the Resurrection and the Life, he who believes in me will live & not die.” John 11:25
Words to Know: Forgiveness, Resurrection
Idea: Crucifixion/Resurrection, Death/Life, Rejoice
Thanks for the tips! I may take some... or all!
I have been thinking about intentional ways to teach them the meaning of Lent and Easter and BOOM...I read your awesome post. Thanks for sharing Ashley!
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