
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

she reached for me


In a few days, you will turn 5.  
This day for you and us will be unlike any before.  Since we've known you, we've thanked Jesus for your life.  Celebrated your life.  But on Monday, we will celebrate you for the first time together on your birthday.

I hardly have words for this.  

I am beyond humbled and thankful to be your mama.  You are extraordinary.  When I first held you I wept and spoke over and over, I am your mama and I love you.  I say it to you still at night.  I am your mama and I love you.    You are extraordinary.  

You laugh loud and smile big.

You rub your daddy's beard and nuzzle him every day when he gets home.

You smile when Madeline sings to you and hold her hand in the car.

You dance alongside Simeon to his crazy music and cuddle in the beanbag with him.

You happily tolerate Anna sitting in your lap and saying 'Paulishka' over and over again.

And today, dear daughter, you reached out for me.  We were at the doctor and they sure were bothering you.  I was holding your hands and singing in your ear when the technician called me attention away.  I sat up to turn toward him and your little arms lunged for me and grasped my fingers and pulled me into you.  The poor EEG guy had no idea why your mama ignored him and cried and stayed as close to you as I could.

You, my sweet girl, are fearfully and wonderfully made.

You are changing me, our family, and so many around you.

You are a glimpse of the Savior and a reflection of His glory.

And, I am blessed to say, I am your mama and I love you.

Happy birthday, Paulina.

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