My mind feels like its exploding with thoughts. Serious ones, silly ones, spiritual ones, heavy ones, whats for dinner? ones, and so forth. Which should prompt me to some funny, clever, spiritual, deep, or something or other blog. But, clearly no. So here is a random event in our lives from this summer.
I got motivated somehow to make my own laundry soap-feeling very pioneer-y apparently. Found a website,, and went for it. Plus, I had two very cute and eager assistants. And, I should confess, this is actually round two...didn't want to document round 1 in case of utter failure and humiliation. Here goes.
First, ingredients: borax, super washing soda, and fels naptha
Second, grating: this takes a bit of time...I did one bar in about 10 minutes. I used the finest side of my cheese grater (which gets no other use b/c I buy pre-grated :).
Third, combining: 1 cup borax, 1 cup washing soda, 1 bar of grated soap. Mix it up. This is where my handy helpers came in. I am about 95% sure Madeline never licked any off her fingers.
I made 2 batches of this and began using it August 1st. I have about 1/3rd of it left still. I use about 2 tbsp per load unless its very big or very small. Also, I get tired of grating when the soap gets small and I begin grating my fingers along with soap so I just baggie up the leftover and use it as a stain stick with a little water directly on stains right before the wash. Man, I sound very DIY and earthy and what not, don't I? Just kidding.
Give it a try. It's easy, fun, kids like it, you feel cool. An all around victory I'd say.